International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)


16. Determination of Heavy Metals in Roadside Soil from Sapanca Highway Area in Turkey

R. Saltęk, H. Altundag*

Sakarya University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Chemistry Department, 54187 Sakarya, TURKEY
*Corresponding author. tel.: +90-264-2956059; fax: +90-264 2955950.

Abstract: Car exhaust gas originated particles and wind-transported particles were called as dust. Dust is one of the most important sources of soil pollution effecting human health and natural life. The purpose of this study, the determination of  heavy metal contents (Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) of soil samples taken from Kinali-Sakarya highway near Sapanca Lake, Turkey. Thirty-six dust samples were taken from seven different points including control area of highway during the period March, July and September in 2010. Aqua regia digestion method was applied samples to leach heavy metals. Each heavy metal concentrations were deter­mined by ICP-OES. As a result, an observed heavy metal concentration was seen out above the maximum acceptable limit, and was proved to be a pollution of the soil. Concentration of Cr, Mn, Ni and Zn it was shown that below the maximum acceptable limit. Heavy metal levels in the samples were found below (for expect copper) the mean worldwide contents. The results were compared with the literature values. Good accuracy was assured by the analysis of standard reference material (Light Sandy Soil - Trace Elements CRM No. 7001 dry weight).

Key Words: heavy metal, Sapanca Highway, soil pollution, ICP-OES.
