International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)


14. Flotation preconcentration of copper and iron by cobalt(III) tetramethylenedithiocarbamate from fresh water and their determination by atomic absorption spectrometry

Vangelica Enimiteva, Trajče Stafilov*, Katarina Čundeva

Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, P.O. Box 162, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia; *Corresponding author Fax: +389 2 3226 865; e-mail: 

Abstract: A new flotation method for separation and preconcentration of copper and iron in traces from aquatic matrix was investigated. The chelate cobalt(III) tetramethileneditiocarbamate, Co(ТMDTC)3, was used as a collector of trace elements. The important parameters necessary for the successful flotation of two analytes tested determined in 0.5 L solutions were: pH of the medium (6.0), mass of cobalt (3.5 mg), amount of used dithiocarbamate (0.4 mmol), type of surfactant (sodium dodecylsulfate, NaDDS) etc. After flotation preconcentration, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used for determination of analytes. The new developed method was tested and verified by the method of standards additions and by its application to the water reference standard material. The ETAAS limit of detection for copper was 0.0045 µg L−1, while for iron was 0.62 µg L−1.

Key words: Flotation, copper; iron; flotation; cobalt(III) tetramethylenedithiocarbamate; Zeeman ETAAS; flame AAS
